Control Nearsightedness

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What Is Myopia?


Myopia is often referred to as “nearsightedness” or “shortsightedness”. Myopia occurs when light is not bent or focused correctly by the eye. As a result, objects and details are blurry when one looks at a distance. Focusing at near objects remains clear. Myopia arises from the eye growing longer than normal, or the cornea (the clear front window of the eye) becoming too steep. As a result, light rays focus in front of the retina, instead of on the retina, causing distance vision to be out of focus, and therefore, blurry. Depending on the magnitude of the refractive error and the amount of correction needed, Myopia can be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe. Typically, a prescription can be considered mild at as little as -1.00 diopters, and any prescription greater than -5.00 diopters is considered severe.

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Research shows, especially now as digital technology has become beneficial to educating the next generation of future leaders, that modern lifestyles may influence the development of myopia.

On average, Myopia is first detected in children between the ages of 6 to 12 years old and evidence suggests that there is a genetic, or hereditary, component to the condition.

According to studies, there is a 33% chance that a child will develop myopia if one of their parents is myopic. The statistic increases to a 50% chance if both parents are myopic.

Studies indicate that environmental conditions can enhance or accelerate nearsightedness. Many have attributed excessive screen time on digital devices as a contributor to a child’s condition. Per a recent study, sunlight and being active outdoors were found to be ways of reducing or slowing the onset.

The odds of a child becoming myopic is approximately:

  • 50% – When Both Parents Are Myopic
  • 33% – When One Parent Is Myopic
  • 25% -When Neither Parent Is Mypoc

Some of the signs and symptoms of Myopia are:

  • Eyestrain or headaches with distance vision activities
  • Squinting to see properly, excessive blinking or needing to sit in the front row during class
  • A decline in educational performance
  • Complaints that your child cannot see the whiteboard


Research shows, especially now as digital technology has become beneficial to educating the next generation of future leaders, that modern lifestyles may influence the development of myopia. Such as:

  • Insufficient time spent outdoors
  • Prolonged time spent reading, playing, or working with digital devices, like smartphones or tablets
  • Poor lighting levels
  • AGE OF ONSET: 9 or younger
  • FAMILY HISTORY: parents, grandparents, or siblings
  • RATE OF PROGRESSION: -1.00 Diopter or more per year
  • NEAR WORK: 2 hours or more per day
  • TIME SPENT OUTDOORS: 2 hours or less per day
  • ETHNICITY: Asian heritage

Myopia progression in childhood results in significant increased risk in adulthood for retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, and myopic maculopathy (an irreversible loss of central vision). Every 1 Diopter (unit) reduction in myopia reduces the risk of myopic maculopathy by 40%

Prescription eye drops or specially designed contact lenses are the most common methods for addressing symptoms of Myopia. Both methods work by refocusing light rays on the retina, to compensate for the shape of your eye. Dr. Blackburn will advise you on the best treatment option for your child’s visual health.

Atropine Eye Drops:

Atropine Eye Drops are specially formulated, ultra-low dose eye drops that must be compounded through a specialty pharmacy. The drops are instilled into the eyes each night at bedtime.

How do they work? The specific mechanism of atropine in myopia management is still being studied. It is currently believed that atropine inhibits sclera thinning or stretching. Hence, slowing eye growth by acting directly or indirectly on the retina (the thin, inner vision layer of the eye) or the sclera (the tough, white outer protective layer of the eye).

Dual Focus Soft Contact Lenses:

Dual Focus soft lenses have alternating prescription zones of the lens for focusing light. Most of the zones correct the nearsightedness, by focusing light directly on the retina so that distance vision is clear. The remaining zones of the lens bring peripheral light rays into focus, in front of the retina, by adding focusing power. Medical studies have shown that focusing light in front of the retina, cues the eye to slow development. MiSight® 1 day is the only FDA-approved soft contact lens developed to slow the elongation of the eyes.

MiSight 1 day lenses simultaneously correct your child’s vision today, while training their eyes to resist growing longer. These lenses are to be worn 10 hours daily for at least 6 days/week for best treatment.

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